8 Natural Ways to Reduce Breakouts

Ways to Reduce Breakouts

Acne is one of the most common skin issues, impacting people of all genders, ages, and races. These flare-ups happen when the pores in your skin become clogged with oil and dirt. While the occasional flare-up is simply a nuisance, chronic acne can lead to self-esteem issues and extensive scarring. Here are eight proven ways that you can naturally reduce breakouts.

Here are eight proven ways that you can naturally reduce breakouts.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

It may sound bizarre but applying apple cider vinegar topical is an affordable and easy way to control the symptoms of acne. The power of this type of vinegar lies in its citric acid, shown to reduce breakouts, combined with the lactic acid that may improve the appearance of existing acne scars. Because apple cider vinegar may irritate the skin, you need to dilute the product with at least three parts water before the application.

2. Green Tea

The high amount of antioxidants in green tea is not just good for your health. The polyphenols in green tea may also protect against harmful bacteria and inflammation, two aggravating factors for acne. Taking a concentrated tea extract supplement or applying the green tea extract directly to the skin has been shown to deliver the best results when it comes to fighting flare-ups. You can also find lotions or creams that include green tea as a primary active ingredient.

3. Targeted Acne Treatment

In addition to these natural ingredients that you may already have in your pantry, you would be wise to look into a dedicated acne treatment kit. A product like, zit dots is an ideal way to target the area that is seeing the breakouts. For instance, zit dots containing salicylic acid are a good choice for shrinking classic whiteheads while charcoal nose strips are most effective at removing blackheads.

4. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a true wonder drug. This natural product is found in many healthcare products. The leaves of this tropical plant offer a clear gel that is primarily used to treat sunburns and other types of inflammation. Because aloe vera contains both sulfur and salicylic acid, it makes sense that these acne-fighting ingredients would combine to fight breakouts.

5. Fish Oil Supplement

What could be easier than taking a fish oil supplement? Although it may take some time for you to enjoy the results of this natural treatment, the powerful omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil supplements may reduce the incidence of acne. While you can see these benefits by eating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, a supplement serves as an extra layer of insurance.

6. Quality Cleanser

A clear complexion starts with a good skin care routine. The cornerstone of a solid routine is the use of a quality face cleanser. You should be using a cleanser that is formulated for your specific skin type. For example, if you have oily skin, you will want to choose an oil-free cleanser. Professionals recommend washing your face twice per day for the best results. Washing your face more often than that can actually have the reverse effect by stripping the skin of the natural protective oils.

7. Exfoliation

Take your skincare routine one step further by using a gentle exfoliator a few times per week. Exfoliation removes the top layer of dead skin cells, naturally unclogging pores and supporting a clear complexion. There are a number of different exfoliation products available, most typically designated as either a physical exfoliation using a tool or a chemical exfoliation using either salicylic or glycolic acid.

8. Reduce Stress

There is a clear connection between chronic stress and a higher incidence of acne flare-ups. While doctors do not fully understand this connection, it is not unusual to see a breakout when you are feeling particularly stressed. Scientists hypothesize that the hormones that your body releases when stressed boosts the product of acne-causing sebum oil. As such, it makes sense that being proactive about reducing your stress levels can have a positive impact on your complexion. Regular exercise, quality sleep, and meditation are all good ways to keep your stress levels in check.

You may need to experiment with a few different options to find the treatment that works the best for you.

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